On-site or Off-site Scanning & Digitization
As businesses and organizations transition towards a digital world, scanning and digitizing records have become a necessity. This has led to an increase in demand for document scanning and digitization services, and with it, the question of whether on-site or off-site scanning is the better option. In this article, we will take a closer look at on-site scanning and discuss its benefits, drawbacks, and whether it is the right choice for your business.
What Are On-site Document Scanning Services?
On-site scanning involves bringing scanning equipment and technicians to your location to scan and digitize your records. This can be done using portable scanners or even larger scanners that are set up on-site for a specific period.
Benefits of On-Site Document Scanning Services
- Enhanced control over your records. On-site scanning services ensures that your records never leave your care. This is important for businesses that handle sensitive or confidential information that must be kept in-house.
- No transportation expenses. Since the scanning is done on-site, there are no transportation costs involved in shipping your records to a scanning facility.
- Eliminates the need for packing your records. Packing and preparing records for transportation can be a tedious and time-consuming process. With on-site scanning, you can avoid this step altogether.
- Access to internal experts for assistance. If any issues arise during the scanning process, your internal experts can be on hand to provide guidance and support.
- Potential to utilize internal resources. Depending on the scope of the project, you may be able to utilize some of your staff and resources to help with the scanning process, potentially reducing costs.
Drawbacks of On-Site Document Scanning Services
- Higher cost compared to off-site scanning. On-site scanning is typically more expensive than off-site scanning due to the additional costs associated with bringing the equipment and technicians to your location.
- Limited scanning capacity. On-site scanning may not be able to accommodate larger or more complex scanning projects, as the equipment brought on-site may not be as advanced as the equipment in a full-scale scanning facility.
- Longer scanning duration. Since the scanning is done on-site, it may take longer to complete the project than if it were done in a full-scale scanning facility.
- Potential for unresolved issues by on-site personnel. While your internal experts can provide support, if there are more complex issues that arise, they may need to be resolved by off-site technicians.
Are On-site Document Scanning Services Right for Me?
Whether on-site scanning is the right choice for your business will depend on several factors. If you handle sensitive or confidential information that must be kept in-house, on-site scanning may be the better option for you. Additionally, if you have the resources to support the scanning process and the project is not too large or complex, on-site scanning may be a more cost-effective solution.
However, if you have a large or complex scanning project, off-site scanning may be a better option. Off-site scanning facilities typically have more advanced equipment and technicians with specialized expertise to handle complex projects. Additionally, off-site scanning may be more cost-effective for larger projects due to economies of scale.
What Are Off-site Document Scanning Services?
Off-site scanning involves sending your records to a scanning facility where they are scanned and digitized. This is typically done using advanced equipment and by trained technicians who specialize in scanning and digitization.
Benefits of Off-site Document Scanning Services
- Comprehensive scanning services. Off-site scanning facilities offer a full-scale scanning service with advanced equipment and trained technicians who specialize in scanning and digitization. This ensures that your records are scanned accurately and efficiently.
- Minimal disruption to your operations. Since the scanning is done off-site, it does not disrupt your daily operations or take up space in your facility.
- Capability to handle all aspects of your project, including anomalies and issues. Off-site scanning facilities have the resources and expertise to handle complex scanning projects, including anomalies and issues that may arise during the scanning process.
- Speed: Off-site scanning facilities have the equipment and resources to scan large volumes of records, which can speed up the digitization process for your business.
- Standard costs: Off-site scanning facilities typically have standard costs for their services, which can make budgeting for your scanning project easier.
Drawbacks of Off-site Document Scanning Services
- The requirement to transfer records from your facility. Off-site scanning requires your records to be transported to the scanning facility, which can be a concern for businesses that handle sensitive or confidential information.
- Potential for retrieval issues. One of the drawbacks of off-site scanning is that it can lead to retrieval concerns. Since your documents are no longer at your facility, you may not have immediate access to them if you need to pull a record for a request. This can be particularly concerning if you need to retrieve records frequently.
- Limited access to subject matter experts. When you opt for off-site scanning, you may not have the luxury of having your subject matter experts readily available to answer questions or resolve issues as they arise during the scanning project. This means that when an issue comes up, such as encountering a new document type, an indexing anomaly, or a batch of records that don't fit the scope of work, scanning may have to pause while we contact you to gather more information. Since our personnel is not on-site with yours, communication will typically take place via standard channels such as email or phone, which can result in longer resolution times compared to having our team on-site and able to communicate with your staff directly.
- Concerns with transportation of records. Transporting your records to the scanning facility can be a concern, as it requires proper packaging and transportation to ensure that your records are not damaged during transit.
Are Off-site Document Scanning Services Right for Me?
Whether off-site scanning is the right choice for your business will depend on several factors. If you have a large or complex scanning project, off-site scanning may be a better option, as off-site scanning facilities have the resources and expertise to handle complex projects efficiently.
Additionally, if you do not handle sensitive or confidential information, off-site scanning may be a more practical option. However, if you handle sensitive or confidential information that must be kept in-house, on-site scanning may be the better option for you.
In conclusion, on-site and off-site scanning have unique benefits and drawbacks. On-site scanning is ideal for businesses that require greater control over their records and have internal experts available to provide guidance and support. On the other hand, off-site scanning is more suitable for businesses that have large or complex scanning projects and require the resources and expertise of a professional scanning facility.
When deciding between on-site and off-site scanning, it is important to consider factors such as the size and complexity of your scanning project, the sensitivity of your records, and your budget. Ultimately, the right choice will depend on your specific needs and resources. Whether you choose on-site or off-site scanning, digitizing your records can offer numerous benefits, including increased efficiency, improved access to information, and reduced storage costs.
Reach out to us to learn more about our comprehensive scanning and digitization services.
We are experts at document scanning services near Seattle.
To get a free Quote Request today, or give us a call at (425) 818-1221. We’ll be in contact to help you with your project.